Mr. Bolos's blog post on
"Suburban Castles" made me think about why people purchase massive homes, luxurious cars, and other expensive material items. I realized that it's mostly to show off. Many people's goal in America is to "make it big": be incredibly successful and rich. However, when some Americans reach this goal, they can't keep it to themselves. Everyone else around them must know that they are successful. They can't resist showing off. They buy a big house, a fancy car, another home in some far off land, and anything that their children ask for. Is it in the American culture to have the competitive drive to show that someone has "made it big"? Perhaps they are just "fishing for compliments" and looking for attention. They are looking for people to realize how great their life is now, or how great it appears to be. Whichever it is they just have to tell the world their good fortune. But maybe they have a right to. In a lot of cases the people who are prosperous, worked very hard to get there. If someone is born wealthy, then someone in their family history worked very to be successful because America was built by people ready to work to get rich. Perhaps it's just in our nature to want to spread the great news. However, should they?

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