Sunday, March 18, 2012

Call Me Maybe

I'm sure everyone's heard it. The fairly recent song by Carly Rae Jepson. The song is "Call Me Maybe" and it's gone viral. However, the official music video hasn't gone viral...the home made video featuring Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale, and Big Time Rush is much more popular:

The video depicts the teenagers dancing to and lip syncing "Call Me Maybe". Their video has five times more views than the official music video. Bieber's has more than 25,000,000, while Carly Rae Jepson has a measly 5,000,000.

The song itself, though catchy, doesn't show any serious musical talent. It's just another peppy pop song. However, Bieber signed Carly to his record label, so he had a large interest in the song's success. He was able to use his and his friends' star power to create a chart busting single. Without this video, Carly's success would have been undeniably less, or at least the song would have gained popularity slower.

Celebrities in America have a huge influence on the media and people's lives. Stars are most often beautiful, in shape, and overall cool people. Most everyone wants to be like them. And the stars have a serious star power. It's everywhere you look. Celebrities are paid to wear certain clothes in order to sell them, and it works. Stars appear in certain ads and are "the face" of different companies in order to increase selling. Even in charity organizations stars wield a fierce influence. Invisible Children is using them in their Kony 2012 campaign so that people will donate and be aware of the problems in Uganda.

Where have you seen celebrities influence everyday life?

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