Friday, February 3, 2012

Subliminal Messaging on TV

In American Studies we were discussing the subliminal messaging in television shows. This made me think about the show 2 Broke Girls. It is a show on CBS that is about two girls who find themselves in an unlikely friendship...and broke. Both work as many jobs possible to make ends meet, like many Americans these days. However, they also start a small cupcake business together. The show sends an unconscious message that, one, when things look rough there's always light at the end of the tunnel, and, two,  it promotes creating small businesses.

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In these tough times, shows like this bring hope to people's homes. However, it also whispers a secret message, that no matter the talent (in 2 Broke Girls, Max has a talent for making cupcakes), it can probably spark the beginning to a small business. Who knows, maybe someday the girls' cupcake business will be known around the country like Georgetown cupcakes.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very interesting example of hidden messages producers create in shows. I appreciated how relevant it was to be talking about the advantages of small businesses especially considering that President Obama presented the idea of giving small businesses larger tax cuts in his State of the Union address less than a year ago. I wonder if this video promoting small businesses in addition to Obama's endorsement of small businesses will help him in the upcoming presidential election.
