Monday, January 2, 2012

"Free"dom of Speech

The other day while I was watching The Colbert Report, "The Word" caught my attention. Colbert was talking about how in Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has issued a new law that makes protestors pay "$50 per hour per Capitol Police Officer". This new law was issued in response to cost of a protest in February of last year. The protesters in Madison, Wisconsin we fighting against collective bargaining rights. Stephen Colbert takes a humourous view on the issue in "The Word-Let Them Buy Cake":

He plays on the fact that almost everything seems to cost something. As he said, "Freedom isn't free, so it's logical that freedom of speech would cost money." This appears to severely contradict our right to protest. How will people get their thoughts and opinions known if they can't afford to say them. Now Colbert gives the idea that you can advertisements to pay for your right to protest, but  Is it real freedom if we can't afford to take part in it?

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