Monday, January 2, 2012

Heroism: Fire is No Match

To continue with the theme of heroism another example is from the summer of 2009. A mother and her two children crashed their car into a tree. The car immediately ignited. Lucky for them the good samartans of the neighborhood saved the mother and her two children. There happened to be two firefighters in the crowd who risked their lives crawling into the burning car to save the four year old boy who was still trapped inside. A bystander was able to catch the whole event on video:

The video depicts the frantic bystanders running to save the family trapped in the car. They broke open the windshield and then had to cut the last boy free. The whole family survived due to the speed and helpfulness of their neighbors. These firefighters and the others who helped became heroes. Why? Their feat was great, but they are no different than you and me. Do we all contain the potential for great acts? Is it the completion of the great act that made all the difference? Perhaps we are all heroes that are waiting for the opportunity to present itself. These great citizens took the initiative to save a family without the hope of fame and fortune. Maybe that's what makes them heroes. What do you think?

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