Monday, January 2, 2012

Heroism: The Eight Angels

This past Saturday in Logan bystanders came to the rescue of a family whose car had crashed into the a river. In the car was the father, one four-year old, and two nine-year olds. To avoid a crash with another vehicle the father put on the brakes. Unfortunately the car slid and rolled down the embankment and into the icy river below, according to KSL's article on the Logan crash. A video of the news was also included,

 The video tells the full story of the crash on Saturday. The heroic acts done by the bystanders made the father of the children exclaim, "I'm confident that there were angels watching over us from above. But I also know there were eight angels in the water with me."

What does it take for one to be considered a hero? Was it the fast action by the helpers. Or was it the fact that though they had no relation to family in the car they were willing to jump in to the river in the middle of winter to save them. Sitting here I believe that I would naturally have come to the rescue the people, but who knows? Do we all have potential to be a hero or are there few who are born to be heroes? Perhaps is what you are taught as you grow up. Instead of an "every man for himself" idea, theses bystanders believed in the value of "putting others before yourself".

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